
Frequently Asked

How inclusive is this program?2022-02-10T19:52:14-05:00

We welcome all Jewish newcomers and their families.

I’m already in Canada, will the Windsor Jewish Federation help me relocate?2023-08-24T13:15:39-04:00

Yes! Please fill out this form here and we’ll get back to you with next steps.

I am interested in coming on an exploratory visit. How can you assist me with this?2023-08-24T13:16:11-04:00

We would be very happy to help you plan your upcoming visit. Please complete this form to get in touch with us.

Will the Windsor Jewish Federation help me find employment?2023-08-23T16:29:53-04:00

Social service organizations and/or volunteers in our community will work with you to prepare you to find employment. We will do the best we can to connect you to potential employers.

I am Jewish, but my spouse is not. Is Welcome Home open to us?2022-02-10T19:50:28-05:00


Does the Jewish Federation sponsor prospective newcomers for immigration?2023-08-23T16:31:49-04:00

No, but we will connect you with experienced immigration lawyers who have long standing relationships in our community.

Will the Jewish Federation pay some of my moving expenses?2022-02-10T19:51:31-05:00

We will do our utmost to support your integration into the community. We will provide friendly and informative guidance and connect you to local Jewish life.

What services does the Jewish Federation provide to newcomers?2022-02-04T16:46:46-05:00
  • Connecting newcomers to schools, social service organizations, educational institutions.
  • Friendly and informative guidance on settling in a new city and/or country.
  • Match newcomers with other Jewish families in the community.


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